Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Good Morning Wishes Images

It is very important for any person to start a day with positive mindset. Probably we do not feel the beauty of early morning how the beautiful this world is? Think for a few moments, your loved ones will get a sweet Good Morning Wishes from you. May be your beautiful good morning messages boost the energy for that particular day. Breathing the fresh air makes your wiser and healthy and say big thank you to God to give a new day in your life.

But the first thing comes in your mind which message is perfect for your loved ones? So, don’t worry we will help you to find below 10 most beautiful good morning wishes. These best wishes can forward through Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, instagram to express your affections and care. Every morning is a gift from God to begin the new life with fresh motivation. Therefore, very few peoples are fortunate enough to have Good Morning Wishes from their loved one who cared you.

Your precious good morning image really shows the care for them and tighten the relationship. The best way to sail your warm wishes towards your family, friends, colleague, boss, father, mother, brother and wife by using social media plate form. The charming morning is waiting outside the door; you just need to grab the motivation to enjoy the time. Any warm message bring smile on your face that makes your day very special.

Good Morning Wishes

Good Morning Wishes

Good Morning Wishes

Good Morning Wishes

Good Morning Wishes

Good Morning Wishes

Good Morning Wishes

Good Morning Wishes

Good Morning Wishes

Good Morning Wishes
Read More – What is Happiness in Life
  1. How One Woman Discovered the Female Fat-Loss Code Missed by Modern Medicine And Lost 84lbs Using a Simple 2-Step Ritual That 100% Guarantees Shocking Daily Weight Loss
  2. 60 Seconds Habit ! That Reversed Type 2 Diabetes and Melted 56 lbs of Fat
  3. Boost Your Energy, Immune System, Sexual Function, Strength & Athletic Performance
  4. Diabetes Remedy # 1 Mega Offer for 2019

Monday, 2 September 2019

Life Skills in High School

The initiatives to develop and implement life skills education in high schools have been undertaken in many countries around the world. Life skills education is aimed at facilitating the development of psychosocial skills that are required to deal with the demands and challenges of everyday life. It includes the application of life skills in the context of specific risk situations and in situations where children and adolescents need to be empowered to promote and protect their rights. 
Numerous different life skills programmers identified five basic areas of life skills that are relevant across cultures. The decision-making and problem-solving; creative thinking and critical thinking; communication and interpersonal skills self-awareness and empathy coping with emotions and coping with stress.
There are many different reasons why these life skills are taught in different countries. In Zimbabwe and Thailand, the impetus for initiating life skills education was the prevention of HIV/AIDS. In Mexico, it was the prevention of adolescent pregnancy. In the United Kingdom, an important life skills initiative was set up to contribute to child abuse prevention, and in the USA, there are numerous life skills programmers for the prevention of substance abuse and violence.

In South Africa and Colombia an important stimulus for life skills education has been the desire to create a curriculum for education for life, called “Life Orientation” education in South Africa and “Integral Education” in Colombia. There are many initiatives of this nature in which primary prevention objectives is, life skills education has been developed to promote the positive socialization of children.

Many countries are now considering the development of life skills education in response to the need to reform traditional education systems. That appear to be out of step with the realities of modern social and economic life. Also, problems such as violence in schools and student drop-out are crippling the ability of school systems to achieve their academic goals.

Furthermore, its wide-ranging applications in primary prevention and the advantages. That it can bring for education systems, life skills education lays the foundation for learning skills that are in great demand in today’s job markets.

The purpose to support the advancement of life skills education. It could be an opportunity for different organizations to clarify and agree upon a common conceptual basis for support from the United Nations system to facilitate the development of life skills education in schools.

It generates consensus as to the broad definition and objectives of life skills education and strategies for its implementation. It Need to improve collaboration between the various agencies working to support life skills education in high schools. There is a wide range of key issues, summarized as below.

·         The definition of “life skills”;
·         The reasons forteaching life skills;
·         Life skills education in schools these days.
·         Life skills outside schools.

Life skills education need to strengthen and improve school health. Also promote the development of long-term and holistic life skills curricula in schools. And promote democracy, gender equality and peace; prevent health and social problems including psychoactive substance use, HIV/AIDS, adolescent pregnancy and violence.

Dealing with conflict that cannot be fixed, dealing with authority, solving problems, making and keeping friends / relationships, cooperation, self-awareness, creative thinking, decision-making, critical thinking, dealing with stress, negotiation, clarification of values, resisting pressure, coping with disappointment, planning, empathy, dealing with emotions, assertiveness, active listening, respect, tolerance, trust, sharing, sympathy, compassion, sociability, self-esteem.

Moreover, it the need of times to cater the issue of adolescents; the importance of supporting life skills initiatives for children who do not attend school. The term “life skills” is open to wide interpretation. There should consensus on using the term to refer to psychosocial skills, personal, social, interpersonal, cognitive, affective, universal issues to identify life skills. Make a list of items as what are and what are not life skills.

The promotion of self-esteem, is clearly an important goal for life skills education, but is it a skill? For example, self-esteem, sociability, sharing, compassion, respect and tolerance are all desirable qualities, but, it can be argued, are not skills. Because skills are abilities. Hence it should be possible to practice life skills as abilities.

Self-esteem, sociability and tolerance are not taught as abilities. Rather, learning such qualities is facilitated by learning and practicing life skills, such as self-awareness, problem-solving, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills.

Another area of debate for the identification of place of physical or perceptual motor skills, such as preparing an oral rehydration solution. What are these to be called? If physical skills are not accurate enough, two suggestions must to call these “health skills” or “practical skills”.

There should be clear consensus that livelihood skills such as crafts, money management and entrepreneurial skills are not life skills. However, the teaching of livelihood skills can be designed to be complementary to life skills education, and vice versa. Why teach life skills?

There should be considered that life skills are indispensable for the promotion of healthy child and adolescent development primary prevention of some key causes of child and adolescent death, disease and disability socialization preparing young people for changing social circumstances.

Life skills education contributes to basic education gender equality democracy good citizenship child care and protection quality and efficiency of the education system the promotion of lifelong learning quality of life the promotion of peace. The learning of life skills might contribute to the utilization of appropriate health services by young people.

Areas of primary prevention for which life skills are considered essential include adolescent pregnancy HIV/AIDS violence child abuse suicide. The other problems related to the use of alcohol, tobacco and other psychoactive substances injuries accidents racism conflict environmental issues.

Also, its time to prepare a Child-friendly Checklist for Schools to provide a tool for assessing the social environment of schools. That should be based on the assessment of school policies and the practices of school staff. Demands of modern life, poor parenting, changing family structure, dysfunctional relationships, impacting of social media, new understanding of young people’s needs, decline of religion, rapid sociocultural change. The following reasons why life skills are essential for primary prevention listed in the state of the art in life skills education in schools.

It is the right time to emphasized on life skills education. Which is already happening, and that it is possible for United Nations agencies to speed up its development at country level. Many teachers are already engaging in activities related to the development of life skills but need support to create effective approaches to life skills education for health promotion and primary prevention.

Life skills are generic skills, relevant to numerous diverse experiences throughout life. They should be taught as such, to gain maximum impact from life skills lessons. Though, for an effective contribution to any domain of prevention, life skills should also be applied in the context of typical risk situations.

Facilitating the learning of life skills is a central component to promote healthy behavior and mental well-being. To be effective, the teaching of life skills is coupled with the teaching of health information and the promotion of positive (health promoting and pro-social) attitudes and values.

The development of life skills requires modelling of life skills by school staff and a “safe”, supportive classroom environment, that is conducive to the practice and reinforcement of skills. Furthermore, life skills education needs to be developed as part of a whole school initiative designed to support the healthy psychosocial development of children and adolescents, for example, through the promotion of child-friendly practices in schools.

To be effective, life skills lessons should be designed to achieve clearly stated learning objectives for each activity. Life skills learning is facilitated using participatory learning methods and is based on a social learning process which includes: hearing an explanation of the skill in question; observation of the skill (modelling); practice of the skill in selected situations in a supportive learning environment; and feedback about individual performance of skills.

Practice of skills is facilitated by role-playing in typical scenarios, with a focus on the application of skills and the effect that they have on the outcome of a hypothetical situation. Skills learning is also facilitated by using skills learning “tools”, e.g. by working through steps in the decision- making process.

Life skills education should be designed to enable children and adolescents to practice skills in progressively more demanding situations for example, by starting with skills learning in non-threatening, low-risk everyday situations and progressively moving on to the application of skills in threatening, high-risk situations.

Other important methods used to facilitate life skills learning include group work, discussion, debate, story-telling, peer-supported learning and practical community development projects. Practical advice offered during the Meeting included: be humorous and make it relevant!

Life skills learning cannot be facilitated based on information or discussion alone. Moreover, it is not only an active learning process, it must also include experiential learning, i.e. practical experience and reinforcement of the skills for each student in a supportive learning environment.

The introduction of life skills education requires teacher training to promote effective implementation of the programmed. This can be provided as in-service training, but efforts should also be made to introduce it in teacher training colleges. The successful implementation of a life skills programmed depends on: the development of training materials for teacher trainers; a teaching manual, to provide lesson plans and a framework for a sequential, developmentally appropriate programmed; teacher training and continuing support in the use of the programmed materials.

The scope of life skills education varies with the capacity of education systems. Although programmers can begin on a small scale and for a targeted age group, as a longer-term goal life skills education should be developed so that it continues throughout the school years –from school entry until school leaving age. Life skills education can be designed to be spread across the curriculum, to be a separate subject, to be integrated into an existing subject, or a mix of all of these.

The development of life skills education is a dynamic and evolving process, which should involve children, parents and the local community in making decisions about the content of the programmed. Once a programmed has been developed, there needs to be scope for local adaptation over time and in different contexts.

In the short term after three to six months of implementation, the effectiveness of a life skills must be measured in terms of the specific learning objectives of the life skills lessons. The other factors such as changes in self-esteem, perceptions of self-efficacy, and behavioral intentions.

Only in the longer term after at least a year is feasible to evaluate life skills education in terms of the prevention of health-damaging and antisocial behavior. Smoking and use of other psychoactive substances, or incidence of delinquent behavior. Further factors may be measured to assess the impact of a life skills programmed, such as the effect of life skills education on school performance and school attendance.

Multimedia and social media communication initiatives which seek to promote the status of girls. In a young female character has been created to model the application of life skills in different situations. These scenarios are widely disseminated through popular social media, including animated film, radio drama, story books and newspaper cartoon strips.

Evaluation of life skills education should include a combination of quantitative and qualitative assessment. Qualitative assessment gives an indication of how well the programmers implemented and received. This is an important aspect of evaluation, which influences the interpretation of quantitative research findings. Life skills outside school

Current knowledge about life skills education internationally is derived primarily from the school setting. There is a need for greater understanding of the nature of life skills education for young people who are not attending school, to identify the best strategies for supporting effective life skills initiatives to reach out-of-school children and adolescents. There was a consensus among participants that the development of life skills initiatives out of school requires special attention from United Nations agencies.

Different types of life skills intervention to reach out-of-school children and adolescents need to identify. This involves the modelling of life skills using methods such as, social media, video films, puppet shows and cartoons in magazines, newspapers and on television. Such initiatives can be coupled with support materials to introduce discussion about the scenarios presented. The support materials can be developed for implementation by peer or other educators in settings such as youth clubs.

Short courses of life skills training can be carried out with children and adolescents who participate in sports and recreational clubs. Life skills training workshops can also be integrated into existing courses offering training in livelihood or vocational skills. Life skills for vulnerable children and adolescents. There is a need for life skills interventions to reach vulnerable children such as street children, sexually exploited and working children, and orphans.

Little is known about life skills interventions with vulnerable young people, although there are many indications that life skills play an important role in determining which children cope in difficult circumstances. These days, excess use of mobile and social media is damaging life skills.

One suggestion made during the Meeting was to start from what the children are interested in and experiencing and to use that as a basis for building life skills sessions with them. However, that would mean a less structured approach, implying an additional need for well-trained educators.

All these three approaches to life skills learning are most likely to rely on short-term interventions. Given the limitations on access to out-of-school children and adolescents overran extended period, an important consideration in the development of life skills interventions will be to identify what is the minimum intervention required to have a positive impact.

Further, there is a need for inter-agency collaboration to accelerate programming, monitoring and evaluation for life skills education in and out of schools. It is suggested collaboration in the design of life skills curricula in schools; the development of tools for the monitoring and evaluation of life skills education initiatives; the development of guidelines and training materials to support life skills initiatives for out-of-school children and adolescents; and an e-mail network to facilitate exchange of information between agencies.
The initiatives to develop and implement life skills education in high schools have been undertaken in many countries around the world. Life skills education is aimed at facilitating the development of psychosocial skills that are required to deal with the demands and challenges of everyday life. It includes the application of life skills in the context of specific risk situations and in situations where children and adolescents need to be empowered to promote and protect their rights. 
Numerous different life skills programmers identified five basic areas of life skills that are relevant across cultures. The decision-making and problem-solving; creative thinking and critical thinking; communication and interpersonal skills self-awareness and empathy coping with emotions and coping with stress.
There are many different reasons why these life skills are taught in different countries. In Zimbabwe and Thailand, the impetus for initiating life skills education was the prevention of HIV/AIDS. In Mexico, it was the prevention of adolescent pregnancy. In the United Kingdom, an important life skills initiative was set up to contribute to child abuse prevention, and in the USA, there are numerous life skills programmers for the prevention of substance abuse and violence.

In South Africa and Colombia an important stimulus for life skills education has been the desire to create a curriculum for education for life, called “Life Orientation” education in South Africa and “Integral Education” in Colombia. There are many initiatives of this nature in which primary prevention objectives is, life skills education has been developed to promote the positive socialization of children.

Many countries are now considering the development of life skills education in response to the need to reform traditional education systems. That appear to be out of step with the realities of modern social and economic life. Also, problems such as violence in schools and student drop-out are crippling the ability of school systems to achieve their academic goals.

Furthermore, its wide-ranging applications in primary prevention and the advantages. That it can bring for education systems, life skills education lays the foundation for learning skills that are in great demand in today’s job markets.

The purpose to support the advancement of life skills education. It could be an opportunity for different organizations to clarify and agree upon a common conceptual basis for support from the United Nations system to facilitate the development of life skills education in schools.

It generates consensus as to the broad definition and objectives of life skills education and strategies for its implementation. It Need to improve collaboration between the various agencies working to support life skills education in high schools. There is a wide range of key issues, summarized as below.

·         The definition of “life skills”;
·         The reasons forteaching life skills;
·         Life skills education in schools these days.
·         Life skills outside schools.

Life skills education need to strengthen and improve school health. Also promote the development of long-term and holistic life skills curricula in schools. And promote democracy, gender equality and peace; prevent health and social problems including psychoactive substance use, HIV/AIDS, adolescent pregnancy and violence.

Dealing with conflict that cannot be fixed, dealing with authority, solving problems, making and keeping friends / relationships, cooperation, self-awareness, creative thinking, decision-making, critical thinking, dealing with stress, negotiation, clarification of values, resisting pressure, coping with disappointment, planning, empathy, dealing with emotions, assertiveness, active listening, respect, tolerance, trust, sharing, sympathy, compassion, sociability, self-esteem.

Moreover, it the need of times to cater the issue of adolescents; the importance of supporting life skills initiatives for children who do not attend school. The term “life skills” is open to wide interpretation. There should consensus on using the term to refer to psychosocial skills, personal, social, interpersonal, cognitive, affective, universal issues to identify life skills. Make a list of items as what are and what are not life skills.

The promotion of self-esteem, is clearly an important goal for life skills education, but is it a skill? For example, self-esteem, sociability, sharing, compassion, respect and tolerance are all desirable qualities, but, it can be argued, are not skills. Because skills are abilities. Hence it should be possible to practice life skills as abilities.

Self-esteem, sociability and tolerance are not taught as abilities. Rather, learning such qualities is facilitated by learning and practicing life skills, such as self-awareness, problem-solving, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills.

Another area of debate for the identification of place of physical or perceptual motor skills, such as preparing an oral rehydration solution. What are these to be called? If physical skills are not accurate enough, two suggestions must to call these “health skills” or “practical skills”.

There should be clear consensus that livelihood skills such as crafts, money management and entrepreneurial skills are not life skills. However, the teaching of livelihood skills can be designed to be complementary to life skills education, and vice versa. Why teach life skills?

There should be considered that life skills are indispensable for the promotion of healthy child and adolescent development primary prevention of some key causes of child and adolescent death, disease and disability socialization preparing young people for changing social circumstances.

Life skills education contributes to basic education gender equality democracy good citizenship child care and protection quality and efficiency of the education system the promotion of lifelong learning quality of life the promotion of peace. The learning of life skills might contribute to the utilization of appropriate health services by young people.

Areas of primary prevention for which life skills are considered essential include adolescent pregnancy HIV/AIDS violence child abuse suicide. The other problems related to the use of alcohol, tobacco and other psychoactive substances injuries accidents racism conflict environmental issues.

Also, its time to prepare a Child-friendly Checklist for Schools to provide a tool for assessing the social environment of schools. That should be based on the assessment of school policies and the practices of school staff. Demands of modern life, poor parenting, changing family structure, dysfunctional relationships, impacting of social media, new understanding of young people’s needs, decline of religion, rapid sociocultural change. The following reasons why life skills are essential for primary prevention listed in the state of the art in life skills education in schools.

It is the right time to emphasized on life skills education. Which is already happening, and that it is possible for United Nations agencies to speed up its development at country level. Many teachers are already engaging in activities related to the development of life skills but need support to create effective approaches to life skills education for health promotion and primary prevention.

Life skills are generic skills, relevant to numerous diverse experiences throughout life. They should be taught as such, to gain maximum impact from life skills lessons. Though, for an effective contribution to any domain of prevention, life skills should also be applied in the context of typical risk situations.

Facilitating the learning of life skills is a central component to promote healthy behavior and mental well-being. To be effective, the teaching of life skills is coupled with the teaching of health information and the promotion of positive (health promoting and pro-social) attitudes and values.

The development of life skills requires modelling of life skills by school staff and a “safe”, supportive classroom environment, that is conducive to the practice and reinforcement of skills. Furthermore, life skills education needs to be developed as part of a whole school initiative designed to support the healthy psychosocial development of children and adolescents, for example, through the promotion of child-friendly practices in schools.

To be effective, life skills lessons should be designed to achieve clearly stated learning objectives for each activity. Life skills learning is facilitated using participatory learning methods and is based on a social learning process which includes: hearing an explanation of the skill in question; observation of the skill (modelling); practice of the skill in selected situations in a supportive learning environment; and feedback about individual performance of skills.

Practice of skills is facilitated by role-playing in typical scenarios, with a focus on the application of skills and the effect that they have on the outcome of a hypothetical situation. Skills learning is also facilitated by using skills learning “tools”, e.g. by working through steps in the decision- making process.

Life skills education should be designed to enable children and adolescents to practice skills in progressively more demanding situations for example, by starting with skills learning in non-threatening, low-risk everyday situations and progressively moving on to the application of skills in threatening, high-risk situations.

Other important methods used to facilitate life skills learning include group work, discussion, debate, story-telling, peer-supported learning and practical community development projects. Practical advice offered during the Meeting included: be humorous and make it relevant!

Life skills learning cannot be facilitated based on information or discussion alone. Moreover, it is not only an active learning process, it must also include experiential learning, i.e. practical experience and reinforcement of the skills for each student in a supportive learning environment.

The introduction of life skills education requires teacher training to promote effective implementation of the programmed. This can be provided as in-service training, but efforts should also be made to introduce it in teacher training colleges. The successful implementation of a life skills programmed depends on: the development of training materials for teacher trainers; a teaching manual, to provide lesson plans and a framework for a sequential, developmentally appropriate programmed; teacher training and continuing support in the use of the programmed materials.

The scope of life skills education varies with the capacity of education systems. Although programmers can begin on a small scale and for a targeted age group, as a longer-term goal life skills education should be developed so that it continues throughout the school years –from school entry until school leaving age. Life skills education can be designed to be spread across the curriculum, to be a separate subject, to be integrated into an existing subject, or a mix of all of these.

The development of life skills education is a dynamic and evolving process, which should involve children, parents and the local community in making decisions about the content of the programmed. Once a programmed has been developed, there needs to be scope for local adaptation over time and in different contexts.

In the short term after three to six months of implementation, the effectiveness of a life skills must be measured in terms of the specific learning objectives of the life skills lessons. The other factors such as changes in self-esteem, perceptions of self-efficacy, and behavioral intentions.

Only in the longer term after at least a year is feasible to evaluate life skills education in terms of the prevention of health-damaging and antisocial behavior. Smoking and use of other psychoactive substances, or incidence of delinquent behavior. Further factors may be measured to assess the impact of a life skills programmed, such as the effect of life skills education on school performance and school attendance.

Multimedia and social media communication initiatives which seek to promote the status of girls. In a young female character has been created to model the application of life skills in different situations. These scenarios are widely disseminated through popular social media, including animated film, radio drama, story books and newspaper cartoon strips.

Evaluation of life skills education should include a combination of quantitative and qualitative assessment. Qualitative assessment gives an indication of how well the programmers implemented and received. This is an important aspect of evaluation, which influences the interpretation of quantitative research findings. Life skills outside school

Current knowledge about life skills education internationally is derived primarily from the school setting. There is a need for greater understanding of the nature of life skills education for young people who are not attending school, to identify the best strategies for supporting effective life skills initiatives to reach out-of-school children and adolescents. There was a consensus among participants that the development of life skills initiatives out of school requires special attention from United Nations agencies.

Different types of life skills intervention to reach out-of-school children and adolescents need to identify. This involves the modelling of life skills using methods such as, social media, video films, puppet shows and cartoons in magazines, newspapers and on television. Such initiatives can be coupled with support materials to introduce discussion about the scenarios presented. The support materials can be developed for implementation by peer or other educators in settings such as youth clubs.

Short courses of life skills training can be carried out with children and adolescents who participate in sports and recreational clubs. Life skills training workshops can also be integrated into existing courses offering training in livelihood or vocational skills. Life skills for vulnerable children and adolescents. There is a need for life skills interventions to reach vulnerable children such as street children, sexually exploited and working children, and orphans.

Little is known about life skills interventions with vulnerable young people, although there are many indications that life skills play an important role in determining which children cope in difficult circumstances. These days, excess use of mobile and social media is damaging life skills.

One suggestion made during the Meeting was to start from what the children are interested in and experiencing and to use that as a basis for building life skills sessions with them. However, that would mean a less structured approach, implying an additional need for well-trained educators.

All these three approaches to life skills learning are most likely to rely on short-term interventions. Given the limitations on access to out-of-school children and adolescents overran extended period, an important consideration in the development of life skills interventions will be to identify what is the minimum intervention required to have a positive impact.

Further, there is a need for inter-agency collaboration to accelerate programming, monitoring and evaluation for life skills education in and out of schools. It is suggested collaboration in the design of life skills curricula in schools; the development of tools for the monitoring and evaluation of life skills education initiatives; the development of guidelines and training materials to support life skills initiatives for out-of-school children and adolescents; and an e-mail network to facilitate exchange of information between agencies.
Life Skills High School Life Skills High School[/caption]
Read More – What is Happiness in Life
  1. How One Woman Discovered the Female Fat-Loss Code Missed by Modern Medicine And Lost 84lbs Using a Simple 2-Step Ritual That 100% Guarantees Shocking Daily Weight Loss
  2. 60 Seconds Habit ! That Reversed Type 2 Diabetes and Melted 56 lbs of Fat
  3. Boost Your Energy, Immune System, Sexual Function, Strength & Athletic Performance
  4. Diabetes Remedy # 1 Mega Offer for 2019

Friday, 30 August 2019

Confidence Quotes for Girls

If you’re a girl, then with no reasons you are not getting proper opportunities as the boys had. In many countries’ girls are not treated well and living under tough circumstances. They are lacking in self-confidence due to no education. Despite of all poor aspects, today girls are even not behind boys. They are working in difficult fields, like the pilot, army and followed their dreams to reach their goals. Girls are often limited to show pieces in different ways.
But keep in mind beauty doesn’t come from the outside, it comes from within. A woman can change the entire generation for several decades. A wisdom girl leaves true love, generosity, good deeds, kindness in their wake. This is what you need to improve your self-confidence to reach the height of success.
Many inspiring women had a great impact on the world with their passion and believe in herself. You just need to be brave and do it. Many women spent painful years to determine their own self-worth that allowed her to grow the essential confidence for being a strong and independent woman.
A strong lady stands up for herself and family. She feels deeply and loves fiercely. Her tears flow as abundantly as her laughter, both softness and powerful. The following inspirational Confidence Quotes for Girls make a positive dent at your personality. Read More – What is Happiness in Life / Source: CP
·         I’m Tough Ambitious & I Know Exactly What I Want. If That Makes Me a Bitch. “Madonna”

·         I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and I believe in Miracle. “Audrey Hepburn”

·         I am not a difficult woman at all. I am simply a strong woman and know my worth. “Angelina Jolie”

·         Be a first-rate version of yourself, not a second-rate version of someone else. “Judy Garland”

·         Doubt is a killer. You just have to know who you are and what you stand for. “Jennifer Lopez”

·         The world needs strong women. Women who will lift and build others, who will love and be loved. Women who live bravely, both tender and fierce. Women of indomitable will. “Amy Tenney”

·         Once you figure out what respect tastes like, it tastes better than attention. “Pink”

·         She wore her scars as her best attire. A stunning dress made of hellfire. “Daniel Saint”

·         She was a wild one; always stomping on eggshells that everyone else tip-toed on. “Kaitlin Foster”

·         Each time a woman stands up for herself, she stands up for all women. “Maya Angelon”

·         Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness. “Oprah”

·         I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust me so much. “Mother Teresa”

·         Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult. “Charlotte Whitton”

·         A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform. “Diane Mariechild”

·         You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through. “Rosalynn Carter”

·         Everyone has inside of her a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be, how much you can love, what you can accomplish, and what your potential is. “Anne Frank”

·         Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold. “Helen Keller”

·         If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman. “Margaret Thatcher”

·         It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I’m not going to be silent.Madeleine Albright”

·         You don’t have to play masculine to be a strong woman. “Mary Elizabeth Winstead”

·         Sometimes I wake up and think I look horrible. And sometimes I see a strong woman. “Irina Shayk”

·         A strong woman is a woman determined to do something others are determined not to be done. “Marge Piercy”

·         Let’s be clear, I’m a strong woman. “Bethenny Frankel”

·         Happiness and confidence are the prettiest things you can wear. “Taylor Swift”

·         A strong woman accepts the war she went through and is ennobled by her scars. “Carly Simon”

·         A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform. “Diane Mariechild”

·         Imperfections are beauty, madness is genius, and it’s better to be ridiculous than boring. “Marilyn Monroe”

·         I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself. “Emma Stone”

·         A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. “Coco Chanel”

·         There are two ways of spreading light. To be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. “Edith Wharton”

·         No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful.“Eleanor Roosevelt”

·         If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman. “Margaret Thatcher”

·         I can’t think of any better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself. “Emma Stone”

·         Don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself. Keep fighting for your dreams.
“Gabby Douglas”

·         Women’s are made to be loved nor for understood. “Oscar Wilde”