Quotes & Inspiration
Sunday, 14 August 2022
Every Flower Must Grow Through Dirt
Work and Passion
Work and Passion Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who...
Friday, 29 April 2022
This is a lesson is about unity. As a young man, I was driven to reach as far as I could, but over time I began to grasp that unity is not a...
THE LIFE YOU KNOW is a thin layer of events covering a deeper reality. In the deeper reality, you are part of every event that is happening ...
Monday, 28 March 2022
You can't be strong all the time
You might have heard that strength training helps build muscle mass and burn fat. But did you know that strength training also improves brai...
Friday, 18 March 2022
Never ignore a person who loves you cares for you and misses you
I know everything happens for a reason, but sometimes i wish i knew what that reason was
Do you believe that there are no accidents in life
Wednesday, 16 March 2022
Pain that hurts you and pain that changes you
Pain that hurts you and pain that changes you? Pain that hurts you is pain that you feel in your body. This kind of pain is usually sharp a...
Monday, 17 January 2022
I know everything happens for a reason, but sometimes i wish i knew what that reason was.
Don't wait for the perfect time. Take the moment and make it perfect !
Don't wait for the perfect time. Take the moment and make it perfect !
There is always, something to be thankful for.
Thursday, 9 December 2021
Always appreciate what you have. There is always someone out there who wishes that had what you have.
The best kind of relationship in the world is the one in which a sorry and a smile
Tuesday, 2 November 2021
Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you, and misses you. Because one day you might wake up and realize you lost the moon while counting the stars.
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