Quotes & Inspiration
Friday, 15 March 2013
A Woman's loyalty is tested when her man has nothing
Each New Day is Another Chance to Change your Life
Strong People always have their life in order
Haters are the people who will broadcast your failures and whisper your sucess
Hurt Me with the Truth but never comfort me with a lie
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
For one minute walk outside stand there in silence
What happens tomorrow will someday be a memory
I respect blind people because they judge others by their personality
A dog doesn't care if your rich or poor smart or dumb
If you are alone, i'll be your shadow
Don't give up the beginning is always the hardest
People were created to be loved
People will let you down but good never will
Life always offers you another chance it's called today
If Allah Blesses you to Shed a Tear for his sake in privacy don't spoil it by making it public
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