Quotes & Inspiration
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Do Not Let The Behaviour Of Others Destory Your Inner Peace.
The most confused we ever get is when we try to convince our heads of something our hearts know is a lie.
There is not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America There is the United States of America
I will stand with the muslims should be political winds shift in an ugly direction.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
When i saw you i was like I
Yesterday is history Tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present
Life is like a multiple choice question sometimes the choices confuse you not the question itself.
Don't take my kindness as a sign of weakness
If you don't know, then ask me. If you don't agree, then argue with me
Monday, 23 September 2013
My Life is Dedicated to Allah
I Love You!
Definition of Stupid, knowing the truth, seeing the truth, but still believing the lies.
No Matter How Alone You Feel No Matter How Impossible Things May Seem. No Matter How Hard Things May Get. Never Give Up!
Staying quiet doesn't mean i have nothing to say, it means i don't think you're ready to hear my thoughts.
Saturday, 21 September 2013
Remember anyone can love you when the sun is shining in the strom is where you learn who truly cares for you.
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