Friday, 29 November 2013

There is a difference between giving up, and knowing when you have had enough

Showers are amazing. They make you feel nice & clean, make you sound like a professional singer, & help you make all of life's decisions.

To have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever

Exchange gifts, as that will lead to increasing your love to one another

I want to live my life without stress and worries, i don't need to be rich and famous, i just want to be happy

People who matter don't judge, & people who judge, don't matter

Logic will get you from A to Z, Imagination will get you everywhere

The Hardest Moments are not those when Tears flow from your Eyes, but it's whe you have to Hide the Tears in your Eyes with a Smile

Loneliness is better than bad company