Friday, 23 May 2014

The Problematic with Close-Minded People is That Their Mouth is Always Opened

It is good to have an end to journey towards but it is the journey that matters in the end.

A Strong Friendship doesn't need daily conversation. It doesn't always need togetherness as long as the relationship lives in the heart. True friends will never apart.

Pretending To Be Happy When You're in Pain is Just An Example of How Strong You're As a Person

The Real Happiness is Found When You Stop Compairing Yourself To Other People.

Do Not Pray For Easy Lives Pray To Be A Stronger Men

A Friend Who Stands With You In Pressure is More Valuable Than a Hundred Ones Who Stand With You In Pleasure.

The Past Should Be Left In The Past or It Can Steal Your Future

True Friends are like an Angel They're Precious and rare and false Friends are like leaves, found everywhere.