Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Give Respect to Take Respect?
From childhood, we always listening from our elders, Give Respect to Take Respect. Be Kind and Be nice. It all depends upon, how you treat others, and how you feel about me is closely connected. The more you treat others with due respect, the more you will respect me. Because the more you respect me, the more you will do the same with others. One of the really nice things about being nice is that it’s contagious when you treat others with great respect. In turn they are more likely to treat you in a similar manner. That, in turn, affects the way you respond, and so on.
Any man's behavior toward other people colleagues, family members, friends sends out ripples that impact those we meet, and beyond. Do you select to spread calm, love, soothing ripples, or instead to rough and violent waves? This behavior has been associated with the crude army general, the tough business leader, the ruthless politician.
Our metaphors leave no alternative to this model. After all, in a dog-eat-dog world, it’s better to be the dog that does the eating than the one that gets eaten. It is better to be the strongest than the weakest; and to swim in treacherous waters, one must be a shark.
Though there are many examples of successful leaders that fit this model. Several leaders were no less successful and achieved their success by being gentle and kind. You must be very professional and very nice. Of course, at certain time, one had to make tough and unpleasant decisions as a leader, and kindness is no substitute for competence, but he always had in mind the dignity of the people he was dealing with.
The people’s humor, generosity, and kindness rippled through his organization, affecting his employees, and through them, the company’s customers. Well-behaved manners are the lubricants of any successful organization. They enable the smooth functioning of organizations and of relationships in general.
If anyone able to use kindness and generosity to run an incredibly successful enterprise in a very competitive industry. Then we can all do so in our daily interactions. Be kind, be nice, when you meet a customer, a friend, a family member, or a stranger.
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle”.
When you are a child, you enjoyed a great deal, but when we mature, we stop having fun. Do you think, why this happen? In childhood, we always give respect to our fellows and never mind their words. But when we enter in a young age, we mind and never forget to others. At any age, these aspects contribute to psychological and physical well-being.
It makes us more resilient, strengthens our immune system, enhances our creativity, and improves our relationships. We don’t need to restrict play to the leisure activities or hobbies that occupy us once the workday is over. We can select to bring the spirit of play to a meal with our family or to a road trip with friends, to learning a new skill or to a professional meeting with our colleagues.
Regardless of how important and significant our endeavors are if we go through life with gravity and somberness without having fun we will sink into the abyss of meaninglessness and nihilism. Play is our fuel, providing us with energy and drive.
Assemble an Attractive Personality
No matter how much you know about the field of your endeavor unless you can display a general interest in the world at large. Because no one is going to find you attractive. You and your associates may thrive on speaking for hours without end about the work you are doing. But you will be as unwelcome as a dentist among other people in a candy shop.
It is better to keep yourselves acquainted with the issues of the day and maintain a few pursuits other than your business. They will broaden your character and deepen your knowledge of yourself as well. If you understand yourself, you will be better able to understand others and they will appreciate you more for it.
Fondness of People
Just as a dog can sense those who do or do not like dogs. Normally people guess very quickly whether they are dealing with someone who likes other people. They resent those people with a natural dislike for their fellows, and they are attracted to those who possess genuine enthusiasm. Even if you think you can cloak your dislike with appealing mannerism. However, others will sense your lack of human affection. Guard your thoughts against uncharitable impulses and pay attention to your temper.
Temper is nothing but uncontrolled emotion, and when your emotion out of control you may suddenly say do things which will cause you and others great injury. A person with an uncontrolled tempered has a tongue that is mounted on ball-bearing and swings widely and freely. It is just like an edge as sharp as a razor blade.
Impatience with other people is a visible expression of selfishness and lack of self-discipline. So, there is a consistent display of defeatism. You do no one any favors by harping on your recent misfortunes or your feelings of aimlessness. People will forgive those who aim high and miss a person who not only lacks the get-go to try but remind others of it endlessly shows no fondness for the humor of other people. Show an alert interest tolerance and respect for others and they will instinctively do the same for you.
Keep in mind that arrogance, egotism, and vanity, are never found in someone with a good-looking personality. So, don’t mistake humility for timidity. The true humility is an acknowledgment that even the greatest folk are in the scheme of human existence, only fragments of the whole. Moreover, recognize that the blessings you have are a gift to be used for the common good, not a topic for every conversation.
If you are struggling with this issue, then turn to your alert interest in others to keep you focused on topics rather than yourself. As your faith grows so will your recognition of the importance of the greater world and its value. People who are strong in faith are always humble of heart, and these qualities are always much admired in every society.
Effective Showmanship
This is the result of the proper blend of many aspects of an attractive personality. The facial expression tone of voice appropriate word choice, effective speech, emotional control, versatility, courtesy, courage, mental attitude, sense of humor, and tactfulness. Together they allow you to gain favorable attention whenever necessary.
Showmanship does not imply grandstanding, clowning, around wisecracking or gossiping. These types of qualities certainly grab attention, but they are tiresome and often very dangerous. Effective and positive use of the traits which combine to form good showmanship will serve you well whether you are dealing with one person or a thousand.
Clean Sportsmanship
Win without boasting lose without squealing, and others will soon respect you. Athletics can make this a habit in many people but even if you have never set foot on a playing field or a court, you can inspire others to cooperate with you if they know that at At the end of the game your presence will not be unbearable.
Your outside interest is a good place to cultivate this trait. Flexibility, tact, and humility will aid you in its display. Let your manners always be friendly no matter what the outcome and people will be glad to have worked with you.
A Warm Handshake
This is a very simple skill, really, but it is very valuable at first impression and every time a contract renewed. Make your grasp firm and friendly not crushing. You want to establish enthusiasm and cooperation, not competition. A limp handshake will display disdain or weakness.
Coordinate your handshakes with a greeting and grip the other person’s hand for emphasis on the key phrases. Maintain your grip if you speak your greeting in order to strengthen the impression you are making. Be direct and assertive in your greeting and people will associate those qualities with the whole of your personality.
Motivational Quotes
Friday, 22 November 2019
The Importance of Happiness?
Why happiness is important to us as an individual and as a world? The most important thing is to look in happiness every day and share with those we love, respect and meet. When you share happiness, you will feel inner peace and a massive impact on our families and at society & culture. Happiness is the ultimate goal of everyone. It is pure magic to realize the world with happiness and less misery. The quality of our life is completely depending on our happiness level.
Unfortunately, it is believed that happiness is achieved when you become a powerful, rich or famous personality. People trying to find happiness by removing all sadness, stress, and irritation. Somehow, happiness lies under the mood-altering therapies. Unluckily, we don’t know about the idea of life. Ultimately, we make bad judgments in life.
When we feel happy, it is very good for self-grooming to achieve sustainable growth. Generally, Happy individuals are more successful than unhappy people in the workplace and love. Those people earn more prestigious jobs with handsome salaries on their better performance reviews. They are also more satisfied with their marriage life. Many people hard to achieve happiness but could not get. The true feelings of happiness make you fervent, make you laugh, diversity in life, and put your smile on your face.
In order to get happiness, one must be positive in every aspect of life. He must improve relationships with family and friends, colleagues, which will improve the feelings of loneliness, seclusion, and isolation. Researchers believe, a happy person is more determined and motivated. Moreover, inner peace improves your health condition. Then you will motivate to do exercise with healthy eating. When we are inner satisfied, we’ll more willing to be grateful and express that gratitude, which in turn motivates others and makes them feel respected.
For example, a very rich person has a very thing, an attractive job or business, a healthy life, power, but despite those blessings he is unhappy as compare to a poor person, who didn’t have anything. The poor person is luckier than him. Although poor person is unsuccessful, unhealthy, and powerless, but fortunate enough to be very happy in his limited resources. So, think you know what makes you happy.
Further, evil thoughts also make you unhappy. So be consistent with your thoughts. Evil thoughts diminish your happiness level. Because, true happiness lying under the pleasant emotions and moods that include it, the only aspect of our lives with any FINAL value. Moreover, romance is also one of the most powerful energies that inspire an interest in the spiritual life.
It is the romantic ideal that is so confidentially tied to our experience of love and ultimately to the greater meaning behind life. Also, when you starting a family has always been the natural progression that a couple in love will embark upon. Just like the challenges they first face in their romantic love, the challenges they face with children are often profoundly underestimated. So, try to spend quality time with your loved ones and leave happy memories.
If your past is a wall with some holes, the future is a hole with no walls. Therefore, the memory uses the filling-in trick, but imagination is the filling-in trick, and if the present lightly colors our remembered pasts, it thoroughly infuses our imagined futures. More simply said, most of us have a hard time envisaging a tomorrow that is awfully different from today, and we find it mainly difficult to imagine that we will ever think, want, or feel otherwise than we do now. So, leave the past and future and live in the present. It will give you more satisfaction and happiness. Hence, realize why happiness is important in your life.
How happiness is measured
Happiness and well-being are being used as a primary indicator of quality of human life and development. Happiness and wellbeing are nowadays considered a measure of social progress and a goal of public policy. Nevertheless, happiness and well-being are subjective and complex concepts to calculate. There are several possible methods and data samples to measure it.
Some data is objective, like the unemployment rate, distance from services, scholar dropout rate, Other subjective like the perceived education conditions (that can be higher or lower than the actual education conditions). There are several ways of measuring. The World happiness report uses different ways of measuring and divide happiness and well-being into different categories.
Besides the challenge of calculating subjective data, there is a the technological challenge of keeping the data actual, manful, and useful in an automatic way. Happiness and well-being are based on country-wise, such as GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy at birth, and adaptation, freedom to make life choices, generosity, perceptions of corruption.
The Myth of Happiness?
Another myth of happiness is, I’ll happy when I’ll get good marks in the exam. I’ll be happy when I’ll good job, I’ll be happy when I’ll have a baby or when I’m rich and so on in a long list of wishes. Keep in mind these false promises are not that achieving those dreams won’t make us happy. However, the actual problem of satisfying ourselves by achieving initial success but will not make us happy for a longer time.
Eventually, we move on to our next achievement and set the happiness goal. Henceforth, when fulfilling those goals doesn’t make us fully happy as we anticipated. Therefore, you feel there must be something wide of the mark with us or we must be the only ones to feel this way. The flip side is a similarly pervasive, and likewise toxic, happiness myth. This is the trust that “I can’t be happy when an undesirable change of fortune befalls us, our reaction is often supersized.
We sense that we can never be happy again, that our life as we know it is now over. My relationship is in a very troubled state. Even though I’ve achieved my dreams, but my feeling is emptier than ever. My work isn’t what it used to be. The test results were positive. I have enormous regrets in my mind. We hoped after reading this article you would be realized Why Happiness is Important in life?
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Tuesday, 19 November 2019
Is that True Money Can’t Buy Happiness?
You know, what is the fundamental law of attraction in the
universe that guides people’s lives and is the underlying power behind all
Napoleon Hill said, “We become what we think about”.
This magical truth has been mentioned in many languages and
Marcus Aurelius said, “Our life is what our thoughts make it.”
The idea has been developed a long time and now become a central
point in many spiritual traditions.
· “Watch your thoughts, for they
become words”
· “Watch your words, for they become
· “Watch your actions, for they
become habits”
· “Watch your habits, for they become
· “Watch your character, for it
becomes your destiny”
If we are to ever escape the infinite cycles of bad luck, we’ll
have to change our life direction and achieve an end to our sorrows. You must
find the right path that leads to the right way. Money can’t give you the right
path, yes! you can find right path with the using of money.
The law of attraction makes us feel the best. We attract to
those people who captivate us, often associated with an individual who we wish
to emulate or become. Those are beautiful people with charming personalities
and have the right qualities. So, being human, we want all those qualities in
ourselves. So, the attraction is potent energy and often misunderstood.
The legend says, power of attraction a fundamental interaction
in nature and between people who act from a great distance. It is human nature
to seek more and more things. He wants more respect, status, and a lot of
money. But do you think, you can all things with money? Perhaps everybody
answer is “Money Can’t Buy Happiness”?
Hence, why are we running after money, even we know the fact?
Everybody has enough money to meet the basic necessities in life. However,
above that, all your wishes won’t bring you extra happiness. Many people reject
these thoughts, it is so easy to say. Everybody has their own fate and he cannot
fight with his destiny.
Two different humans have different sources of income. Both
backgrounds are different, one may grow up in poverty, however, the other grew
up from the well established family. The person growing up in poverty may be
making a lot of money. In many cases, health is a blessing overall wishes. So,
why are we convinced having a lot of money is the major key to happiness? You
don’t need to feel embarrassed about having less money.
If you look back at your childhood, you didn’t have anything
except a few toys and clothes. But you enjoyed the ball, football, family,
friends, and small tiny items. As time goes, you run after money for buying
unnecessary wants. Getting to fly on another private jet simply reinforced the
fact that money can’t buy happiness. Getting an extremely high paying job
wasn’t fulfilling your future needs as we had wanted it’d be. Poverty sure
isn’t going to help either.
As money simply can fulfill your needs but it can’t buy
happiness. It comes inside not from money. If you are enjoying football, then
you are lucky to play football. As many children had the wish to play football
but they don’t play. We aren’t the only ones that say Money Can't
Buy Happiness, but it can make you awfully comfortable while you’re being miserable.
Some famous quotes really put you in deep thoughts about real happiness.
· Money buy a house, but not a home
· Money buys a beautiful bed, but not
a sound sleep
· Money buys an expensive watch but
not the time
· Money buy a book but not the
· Money buy good food, but not
· Money buy a friend, but not love
· Money buy a position, but not
· Money buys blood, but not life
· Money buys insurance but not a
· Money buy medicine not a health
· Money buy luxuries but not a
· Money buy amusement but not
· Money buy obedience but not
· Money buy sex but not true love
So, you must understand between money and happiness for a
quality life. Too many individuals realize the fact until it’s too late. If you
become weaker for running after money, then no way to come back to take your
health back. Money comes and goes, but memories and relationships last forever.
Many people struggled when they are growing up and it wasn’t
easy. But past a certain income, extra money isn’t going to bring you sustained
happiness. Those findings have also been found in studies. Obviously, having
everything you want (including friends, family, money, etc.) is the best-case
scenario, but if I had to pick between my loved ones or an endless supply of
money, then you know what you would be the pick.
Many individuals completely agree with the idea that a lot of
happiness lies in other people, mainly your family. You must be acutely aware
that you have a very short window with your kids before they grow up and leave
home. Some things in life are nice and fun really. But at the end of the day,
they pale in comparison to the time spent with your loved ones.
Let’s suppose, if someone kids have access to a lot of money,
and therefore a lot of drugs attract him, that hurts just as much as if they
don't have any money and their kids are doing drugs. It doesn't save you from
any of that. It's still a parent who has a child who is hurting. So not in all
cases, money gives you happiness.
So, it is very imperative to develop the right attitude toward
money and keep in a healthy place. But don’t lose your health for too much
thinking about the right place. So, a lot of money becomes financial freedom,
but not whatever you want in life.
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